Please note our new contact details! Israel Cat Lovers’ Society
P.O. Box 9920, Haifa Israel 3109901. Phone: 053-578-5783
Email: catlovers@isracats.org.il
Your Donation To the Israel Cat Lovers’ Society
The Israel Cat Lovers’ Society is a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to helping Israel’s abandoned, abused, injured, and sick homeless cats. It is run by volunteers and is the only organization dedicated solely to cats in northern Israel.
We are active daily in the streets of Haifa and the vicinity: carrying out large spay/neuter operations, providing medical treatment, and vaccinating the cats.
We work with several clinics that give us reduced rates, but we still need considerable amounts of money to finance these operations.
Every donation, no matter how small, is greatly appreciated – every donation counts.
To make a tax-deductible donation from the U.S., according to U.S. law, donate through one of the following:
- PEF Israel Endowment Funds, Inc. (http://www.pefisrael.org)
- Israel Gives (http://www.israelgives.org)
Be sure to specify that your donation is for the Israel Cat Lovers’ Society.
To donate by credit card, bank transfer, check or (in Israel) Bit: scroll down.
All these methods are tax-deductible for Israelis but not for donations from the U.S.
On behalf of Israel’s cats, thank you!

Donations via BIT app
Please send your donation via BIT to our cellphone number:

:Direct Bank Transfer
Account number: 73331 Branch 704, Haifa, Bank Hapoalim

:By check to
P.O.Box 9920, Haifa 3109901 Israel - please make the check out to the Israel Cat Lovers' Society

Tax Deductible Donations from the USA
Via PEF Israel Endowment Funds, Inc. (http://www.pefisrael.org) or via Israel Gives (http://www.israelgives.org). Be sure to specify that your donation is for the Israel Cat Lovers’ Society